We are proud to have been involved in the production of "Delphinium: A Childhood Portrait of Derek Jarman", a profound short film highlighting the life and legacy of renowned British artist and filmmaker Derek Jarman. Directed by Matthew Mishory and produced by Iconoclastic Features, this film provided a unique opportunity to assist with both VFX Supervising on set and many aspects of post production.
"Delphinium" was internationally recognized and celebrated its world premiere at the Reykjavik International Film Festival in Iceland, followed by its UK premiere at the Raindance Film Festival in London and its California premiere at the Frameline International Film Festival in San Francisco. The film received special recognition through its permanent installation at the British Film Institute's National Film Archive in London in 2011, and "Delphinium" won the Eastman Kodak Grand Prize for Best Short Film at the United States Super 8 and DV Film Festival.
This film is a testament not only to the artistic vision of Derek Jarman, but also to the talents and dedication of everyone involved, including our team dedicated to VFX supervision and post-production.